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Gum Disease Symptoms

Periodontal gum disease is not an issue that pops up overnight. There are plenty of gum disease symptoms, including:

  •   Swollen or puffy gums
  •   Consistent dry mouth
  •   Bleeding gums
  •   Gums tender to the touch
  •   Bright red or purple gums
  •   Bad breath
  •   Pus between your teeth and gums
  •   Blood is present when you brush or floss

Knowing the gum disease symptoms can seriously aid in understanding what gum disease treatments you may need. Dental professionals offer many ideas for gum disease treatment to assist in reducing and treating periodontal issues. Bad breath and gum disease are linked. Read our blog on what causes bad breath for more, and it's relation to gum disease.

Gum Disease Treatment Melbourne

For gum disease treatments, you'll need to see a periodontist, your dentist, or a dental hygienist. Which of these professionals treats you will depend on the severity of your gum disease.

If your gum disease has not advanced, you are likely a good candidate for non-surgical gum disease treatment. Our trained dentists and modern equipment can carry out all the below gum disease treatments.

Monday - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday - Thursday - 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed

Gum Disease Treatment Melbourne

Everyone should be well aware of the risk factors for a predisposition to gum disease symptoms. Brushing your teeth removes plaque and helps prevent periodontitis, but there are only so many precautions we can take regarding gum disease treatment without consulting a professional.

Good oral hygiene is essential for a well-maintained immune system and preventing tooth loss or the deterioration of gum tissue. Understanding how to ensure you can avoid gum disease symptoms is a significant part of oral health, and even if you require professional intervention, it's not too late to start.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling removes tartar and bacteria from the surfaces of your teeth and under your gums. Your dentist will often use a laser, manual instruments, or an ultrasonic device to scale your teeth and gums.

Root planing smooths the surfaces of the roots of your teeth, preventing future bacterial buildup and removing any byproducts contributing to the delay of gum healing.

Brushing and Flossing

Brush your teeth twice a day, when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night. If you can, try to brush after meals as well. Brushing often helps keep your teeth clear of any leftover food particles that can contribute to bacterial buildup which is a major cause of gum disease symptoms.

Floss once per day, preferably at bedtime, with an interdental pick, water pick, or string floss. Flossing helps to remove the food, tartar, and plaque that can accumulate between the teeth.

Brushing is fantastic, and more than necessary to prevent gum disease symptoms, but many toothbrushes fail to clean between teeth effectively. Proper flossing fixes this problem, and removes particles that you may not feel hiding between your teeth.

Antimicrobial Mouthwash

Have a chat with your dental hygienist or dentist about what type of mouthwash is best for you and your gum disease symptoms. Many dental professionals will suggest an antimicrobial mouthwash to help keep the bacteria and germs that contribute to gum disease at bay. If you're unsure which mouthwash to use, ask your doctor, and they'll be happy to provide you with a list suitable for gum disease treatment.

Balanced Diet

Eating well is a good idea all around. A healthy, balanced diet boosts your immune system, fuels your body, and reduces your chances of developing gum disease symptoms. Plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains should be on your daily menu while steering clear of anything processed or full of added sugars.

Reduce or Eliminate Smoking

Smoking is a major contributor to gum disease symptoms, so if you smoke, try to quit or reduce it considerably. Smoking not only stains your teeth, but research shows it interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells. Extensive gum disease treatment can be needed for those with extensive smoking history.


Oral and topical antibiotics are essential for reducing infection and gum disease symptoms. Antibiotics are necessary to eliminate any oral bacterial infections that fuel periodontal disease in many cases.

On the other hand, if you have advancing gum disease symptoms, you may require more invasive procedures and gum disease treatment.

Soft Tissue Grafts

On occasion, receding gum lines result from periodontal disease, and they allow it to progress by creating pockets for bacteria to thrive. Soft tissue grafts will cover these pockets using tissue from the top of your mouth. 

Pocket Reduction Surgery

Another way to reduce the pockets caused by receding gums is to make an incision and lift the actual gum back into place to cover the pocket. Once healed, these places are much easier to clean, preventing the reemergence of gum disease symptoms.

Bone Grafting and Guided Tissue Regeneration

Performed after gum disease symptoms have destroyed the bone surrounding your tooth root, bone grafting helps prevent tooth loss by keeping your tooth in place, and it will allow your bone to regrow as well.

Guided Tissue Regeneration is a bit like bone grafting, but instead of real or synthetic bone, your dentist will place a piece of fabric between your tooth and bone. This biocompatible fabric keeps unwanted bacteria from entering the area, promotes healing, and allows natural bone regrowth.

Oral Hygiene and Preventing Periodontal Disease

Lifestyle changes, such as brushing, flossing and eating well, are the best places to start concerning the prevention of periodontal gum disease symptoms. Ensure that you stay on track with regular dental cleanings. If gum disease symptoms appear or advance further, know that effective surgical and non-surgical gum disease treatments are available.

Questions On Gum Disease Treatments?

Our dentists and oral health therapists regularly attend specialised educational programs for gum disease treatments and obtain qualifications to provide dental services at the highest standards in Australia. We aim to minimise the discomfort of gum disease symptoms during the treatments with specially created environment for greater patient experience.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding gum disease treatments or gum disease symptoms you may have. Our team of expert dental clinicians will help you to deal with your gum diseases related issues once and for all.

Opening Hours:
Monday - 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday - Thursday - 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed

Schedule a Gum Disease
Treatment Phone Call

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Payment plans
Mulgrave Dental Group accepts AfterPay, Zip, and Humm payment plans.

The ATO now accepts early super release for medical treatments or expenses provided that you meet the eligibility criteria. Should you wish to obtain more information about this process please call us on (03) 9562 5156 to discuss further.

Mulgrave Dental Group is located 20 minutes commute from Melbourne CBS. If you traveling by car take Monash Freeway - Wellington Road exist both south bound and north bound. Our address is 47 Wanda Street, Mulgrave 3170 Victoria.